گنورگ زیمل یکی از نظریه پردازانی است که به نسبت سایر کلاسیک ها تعداد قابل ملاحظه ای از نوشته هایش به زبان فارسی منتشر شده، هر چند این تعداد به نسبت حجم بالای آثار زیمل نشان می دهند که هنوز کار بزرگی پیش روی مترجمان ایرانی برای بازگردان آنها به فارسی وجود دارد. در زیر فهرستی از این آثار و همین طور گاه شمار آثار زیمل به زبان انگلیسی ارائه می شد.
آثار ترجمه شده از زیمل به فارسی
نوشتههای مرتبط
مقالاتی درباره تفسیر در علم اجتماعی، ترجمه ی شهناز مسمی پرست،تهران،شرکت شهامی انتشار،۱۳۸۶
مقالاتی درباره دین، فلسفه و جامعه شناسی دین، ترجمه ی شهناز مسمی پرست،تهران، نشر ثالث،۱۳۸۸
مقالاتی درباره دین، ترجمه ی شهناز مسمی پرست، تهران، نشر ثالث، ۱۳۸۸
مقالاتی درباره دین: فلسفه و جامعهشناسی دین، ترجمه ی شهناز مسمی پرست،تهران، نشر ثالث،۱۳۸۸
آثار درباره ی زیمل
گئورگ زیمل، فریزبی، دیوید، ترجمه ی جواد گنجی ، تهران، نشر گام نو، ۱۳۸۵
گئورگ زیمل ، فریزبی،دیوید، ویراسته ی همیلتون،پیتر، ترجمه ی شهناز مسمی پرست، تهران، نشر ققنوس، ۱۳۸۶
جامعه شناسی جورج زیمل، واندنبرگ، فردریک، ترجمه ی عبدالحسین نیک گهر، تهران، نشر توتیا، ۱۳۸۶
گاه شمار آثار زیمل
A Chronology of Simmel’s Works in English
Thomas M. Kemple
University of British Columbia, Canada
Simmel in English
۱۸۸۲. ‘Psychological and Ethnological Studies on Music’ (K. Peter Ezkorn trans., in Etzkorn 1968; GSG 1).
۱۸۸۹. ‘On the Psychology of Money’ (trans. Mark Ritter and David Frisby, in Frisby and Featherstone 1997; GSG 2).
۱۸۹۱/۱۸۹۲. ‘Some Remarks on Prostitution in the Present and the Future’ (trans. Mark Ritter and David Frisby, in Frisby and Featherstone 1997; GSG 17).
۱۸۹۲. ‘A Few Words on Spiritualism’ (trans. Mark Ritter and David Frisby, in Frisby and Featherstone 1997; GSG 17).
۱۸۹۳. ‘Infelices Possidentes! (Unhappy Dwellers)’ (trans. Mark Ritter and David Frisby, in Frisby and Featherstone 1997; GSG 17).
۱۸۹۵. ‘On the Sociology of the Family’ (trans. Mark Ritter and David Frisby, TCS 15(3–۴) ۱۹۹۸; GSG 5).
1896a. ‘Money in Modern Culture’ (trans. Mark Ritter and David Frisby, in Frisby and Featherstone 1997; TCS 8(3) 1991; GSG 5).
1896b. ‘The Berlin Trade Exhibition’ (trans. Sam Whimster, in Frisby and Featherstone 1997; TCS 8(3) 1991; GSG 17).
1896c. ‘The Women’s Congress and Social Democracy’ (trans. Mark Ritter and David Frisby, in Frisby and Featherstone 1997; GSG 17).
1896d. ‘Sociological Aesthetics’ (trans. K. Peter Etzkorn, in Etzkorn 1968; GSG 5).
۱۸۹۷. ‘Beyond Beauty’ (trans. Thomas M. Kemple and Austin Harrington, TCS 29(3–۴) ۲۰۱۲; GSG 17).
1898a. ‘Rome’ (trans. Ulrich Teucher and Thomas M. Kemple, TCS 24(7–۸) ۲۰۰۷; GSG 5).
1898a. ‘On the Sociology of Religion’ (trans. Mark Ritter and David Frisby, in Frisby and Featherstone 1997; trans. Horst H. Helle, in Helle 1997; GSG 5).
1901a. ‘The Aesthetic Significance of the Face’ (trans. Lore Ferguson, in Wolff 1959; GSG 7).
1901b. ‘Only a Bridge’ (trans. Thomas M. Kemple, TCS 29(3–۴) ۲۰۱۲; GSG 17).
۱۹۰۱–۱۹۰۲. ‘Snapshots sub specie aeternitatis’ (trans. Thomas M. Kemple, TCS 29(3–۴) ۲۰۱۲; GSG 17).
1902a. ‘Contributions to the Epistemology of Religion’ (trans. Horst J. Helle, in Helle 1997; GSG 7).
1902b. ‘The Picture Frame: An Aesthetic Study’ (trans. Mark Ritter, TCS 11(1) 1994; GSG 7).
1902c. ‘Tendencies in German Life and Thought since 1870’ (trans. W.D. Briggs, in Georg Simmel: Critical Assessments, Vol. I, ed. David Frisby. London: Routledge, 1994; GSG 7; GSG 18).
1903a. ‘The Metropolis and Mental Life’ (trans. Kurt Wolff, in Frisby and Featherstone 1997; Levine 1971; Wolff 1950; GSG 7).
1903b. ‘On the Salvation of the Soul’ (trans. Horst J. Helle, in Helle 1997; GSG 7).
1903c. ‘On Aesthetic Quantities’ (trans. K. Peter Etzkorn, in Etzkorn 1968; GSG 7).
1904a. ‘Religion and the Contradictions of Life’ (trans. Horst J. Helle, in Helle 1997; GSG 7).
1904b. ‘On the History of Philosophy’ (trans. Guy Oakes, in Oakes 1980; GSG 8).
1904c. ‘The Tale of the Color’ (trans. Aaron Schuster, in Cabinet Magazine 36, 2009/2010; available at: http://cabinetmagazine.org/issues/36/simmel.php. GSG 20).
1906a. ‘On the Third Dimension in Art’ (trans. K. Peter Etzkorn, in Etzkorn 1968; GSG 8).
1906b. ‘Florence’ (trans. Ulrich Teucher and Thomas M. Kemple, TCS 24(7–۸) ۲۰۰۷; GSG 8).
1907a. ‘Venice’ (trans. Ulrich Teucher and Thomas M. Kemple, TCS 24(7–۸) ۲۰۰۷; GSG 8).
1907b. ‘Christianity and Art’ (trans. Horst J. Helle, in Helle 1997; GSG 8).
1907c. The Philosophy of Money (Orig. pub. 1900, trans. Tom Bottomore and David Frisby. London: Routledge, 1990; GSG 6): Analytical Part (‘Exchange’, trans. Donald N. Levine, in Levine 1971; ‘TheMiser and the Spendthrift’, trans. Roberta Ash, in Levine 1971) Synthetic Part (‘Prostitution’, trans. Roberta Ash, in Levine 1971).
1907d. The Problems of the Philosophy of History: An Epistemological Essay (Orig. pub. 1892/1905, trans. Guy Oakes. New York: The Free Press 1977; ‘How Is History Possible?’, trans. Donald N. Levine, in Levine 1971; GSG 10).
1907e. Schopenhauer and Nietzsche (trans. Helmut Loiskandl, Deena Weinstein, and Mark Weinstein. Urbana and Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1991; GSG 10).
1908a. ‘On the Essence of Culture’ (trans. D.E. Jenkinson, in Frisby and Featherstone 1997; ‘The Meaning of Culture’, trans. K. Peter Etzkorn, in Etzkorn 1968; ‘Subjective Culture’, trans. Roberta Ash, in Levine 1971; GSG 8).
1908b. ‘The Problem of Style’ (trans. Mark Ritter, TCS 8(3) 1991; Frisby and Featherstone 1997; GSG 8).
1908c. Sociology: Inquiries into the Construction of Social Forms (2 Vols) (ed., trans. Anthony J. Blasi, Anton K. Jacobs, Matthew Kanjiranthinkal, intro. Horst J. Helle. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2009; GSG 11): .
Chapter 1: The Problem of Sociolog (Orig. pub. 1894; trans. Kurt H. Wolff,in Levine 1971; Wolff 1959; trans. Albion W. Small, AJS 15(3) 1909; ‘[Excursus on the Problem:] How is Society Possible?’, trans. Kurt H. Wolff,in Levine 1971; Wolff 1959; trans. Albion W. Small, AJS 16(3) 1910;GSG 18).
Chapter 2: The Quantitative Conditioning of the Group (‘QuantitativeAspects of the Group’, trans. Kurt H. Wolff, in Wolff 1950; trans.Albion W. Small, AJS 8(1, 2) 1898; GSG 18).
Chapter 3: Domination and Subordination (‘Superordination andSubordination’, trans. Kurt H. Wolff, in Levine 1971; Wolff 1950; trans.Albion Small, AJS 2(2,3) 1896; GSG 18).
Chapter 4: Conflict (trans. Kurt H. Wolff, in Conflict and the Web GroupAffiliations, New York: The Free Press, 1955; Levine 1971; trans. AlbionW. Small, AJS 9(4, 5, 6) 1904; GSG 18; ‘Competition’ ۱۹۰۳, trans. Horst J.Helle, in Canadian Journal of Sociology 33(4) 2008; GSG 6).
Chapter 5: The Secret and the Secret Society (trans. Kurt H. Wolff, in Wolff1950; ‘[Excursus on] Adornment’, trans. Kurt H. Wolff, in Frisby andFeatherstone 1997; Wolff 1950; trans. Albion W. Small, AJS 11(4) 1906;GSG 18).
Chapter 6: The Intersection of Social Circles (‘The Web of GroupAffiliations’, trans. Kurt H. Wolff, in Conflict and the Web GroupAffiliations. New York: The Free Press, 1955).
Chapter 7: The Poor Person (‘The Poor’, trans. Claire Jacobson, in Levine1971; ‘[Excursus on] the Negative Character of Collective Behaviour’,trans. Kurt H. Wolff, in Wolff 1950).
Chapter 8: The Self-Preservation of the Group (‘The Persistence of SocialGroups’, trans. Albion W. Small, AJS 3(5, 6) and 4(1) 1898; GSG 18;‘[Excursus on] Fidelity and Gratitude’, trans. Kurt H. Wolff, in Wolff1950).
Chapter 9: Space and the Spatial Ordering of Society (‘The Sociology ofSpace’ ۱۹۰۳, trans. Mark Ritter and David Frisby, in Frisby andFeatherstone 1997; GSG 7. ‘[Excursus on] the Stranger’, trans. Kurt H.Wolff, in Wolff 1950; Frisby and Featherstone 1997; Levine 1971.‘[Excursus on] the Social Boundary’, trans. Ulrich Teucher and ThomasKemple, TCS 24 (7–۸) ۲۰۰۷; ‘[Excursus on] the Sociology of the Senses’۱۹۰۷, trans. Mark Ritter and David Frisby, in Frisby and Featherstone1997; GSG 8).
Chapter 10: The Expansion of the Group and the Development ofIndividuality (trans. Richard P. Albares, in Levine 1971; ‘The Categoriesof Human Experience’, trans. Donald N. Levine, in Levine 1971; ‘[Excursuson] the Nobility’; trans. Richard P. Albares, in Levine 1971).
1909a. ‘Bridge and Door’ (trans. Mark Ritter, in Frisby and Featherstone 1997; TCS 11(1) 1991; GSG 12).
1909b. ‘The Future of Our Culture’ (trans. Mark Ritter and David Frisby, in Frisby and Featherstone 1997; GSG 12).
1909c. ‘Fundamental Religious Ideas and Modern Science: An Inquiry’ (trans. Horst J. Helle, in Helle 1997; GSG 12).
1910a. ‘Sociology of the Meal’ (trans. Mark Ritter and David Frisby, in Frisby and Featherstone 1997; GSG 12).
1910b. ‘On the Nature of Philosophy’ [The Main Questions of Philosophy, Chapter 1] (trans. Rudolph H. Weingartner, in Wolff 1959; GSG 14).
۱۹۱۱. [Philosophical Culture: Collected Essays] (GSG 14):.
‘“Introduction” to Philosophical Culture’ (trans. Mark Ritter and DavidFrisby, in Frisby and Featherstone 1997).
‘The Adventure’ (Orig. pub.1910; trans. David Ketter, in Frisby andFeatherstone 1997; ‘The Adventurer’, in Levine 1971; Wolff 1959).
‘Fashion’ (‘The Philosophy of Fashion’ ۱۹۰۵, trans. Mark Ritter and DavidFrisby, in Frisby and Featherstone 1997; trans. anonymous, InternationalQuarterly 10(1) 1904; GSG 18; GSG 10).
‘The Relative and Absolute Problem of the Sexes’ (trans. Guy Oakes, inOakes 1984) ‘Flirtation’ (trans. Guy Oakes, in Oakes 1984).
‘The Handle’ (trans. Rudolph H. Weingartner, in Wolff 1959).
‘The Ruin’ (trans. David Kettler, in Wolff 1959).
[‘The Alps’] (‘The Alpine Journey’ ۱۸۹۵, trans. Sam Whimster, in Frisby andFeatherstone 1997; TCS 8(3) 1991; GSG 5).
‘The Personality of God’ (trans. Horst J. Helle, in Helle 1997).
‘The Problem of Religion Today’ (trans. Horst J. Helle, in Helle 1997).
‘The Concept and the Tragedy of Culture’ (trans. David Frisby and MarkRitter, in Frisby and Featherstone 1997).
‘Female Culture’ (trans. Guy Oakes, in Frisby and Featherstone 1997; Oakes1984).
1912a. ‘Religion’ (Orig. pub. 1906. Trans. Horst J. Helle, in Helle 1997; GSG 10).
1912b. ‘The Dramatic Actor and Reality’ (trans. K. Peter Etzkorn, in Etzkorn 1968; GSG 12).
۱۹۱۳. ‘The Philosophy of Landscape’ (trans. Josef Bleicher, TCS 24(7–۸) ۲۰۰۷; GSG 12).
1914a. ‘Goethe and Youth’ (trans. Ulrich Teucher and Thomas M. Kemple, TCS 24(7–۸) ۲۰۰۷; GSG 12).
1914b. ‘Rembrandt’s Religious Art’ (trans. Horst J. Helle, in Helle 1997; GSG 12).
1915a. ‘“Become What You Are”’ (trans. Ulrich Teucher and Thomas M. Kemple, TCS 24(7–۸) ۲۰۰۷; GSG 13).
1915b. ‘Europe and America in World History’ (trans. Austin Harrington, European Journal of Social Theory 8(1) 2005; GSG 13).
1916a. ‘The Problem of Historical Time’ (trans. Guy Oakes, in Oakes 1980; GSG 13).
1916b. ‘Kant and Goethe: On the History of the Modern Weltanschauung’ (Orig. pub. 1906, trans. Josef Bleicher, TCS 24(6) 2010; GSG 10).
1916c. Rembrandt: An Essay on the Philosophy of Art (eds., trans. Alan Scott, Helmut Staubmann. New York and London: Routledge, 2005; GSG 15).
1916d. ‘The Change in Cultural Forms’ (trans. Mark Ritter and David Frisby, in Frisby and Featherstone 1997; GSG 13).
1917a. ‘Fundamental Problems in Sociology (Individual and Society)’ (trans. Kurt H. Wolff, in Wolff 1950; GSG 16):.
Chapter 1: The Field of Sociology.
Chapter 2: The Social and the Individual (An Example of General Sociology)(‘Individualism’ ۱۹۱۷, trans. Austin Harrington, TCS 24(7–۸) ۲۰۰۷;GSG 13).
Chapter 3: Sociability (an Example of Pure Sociology) (‘The Sociology ofSociability 1910, trans. Everett C. Hughes, in Frisby and Featherstone1997; Levine 1971; GSG 12).
Chapter 4: Individual and Society in 18th and 19th Century View of Life (AnExample of Philosophical Sociology) (‘Freedom and the Individual’, trans.Richard P. Albares, in Levine 1971).
1917b. [The War and Our Spiritual Decisions] (GSG 16):.
‘The Dialectic of the German Spirit’ (Orig. pub. 1916, trans. AustinHarrington, TCS 24(7–۸) ۲۰۰۷).
‘The Crisis of Culture’ (Orig. pub. 1916, trans. D.E. Jenkinson, in GeorgSimmel: European and Sociologist, ed. P.A. Laurence. Sunbury: Nelson, 1976).
‘The Idea of Europe’ (Orig. pub. 1915, trans. D.E. Jenkinson, in GeorgSimmel: European and Sociologist, ed. P.A. Laurence. Sunbury: Nelson,1976).
۱۸۹۷–۱۹۱۸. ‘Journal Aphorisms’ (trans. A.Y. Andrews and Donald N. Levine, in The View of Life: Four Metaphysical Chapters with Journal Aphorisms. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010; trans. Wendelin Reich and Richard Swedberg, TCS 27(1) 2010; GSG 16; GSG 17; GSG 20).
۱۹۱۷–۱۹۱۸. ‘The Constitutive Concepts of History’ (trans. Guy Oakes, in Oakes 1980; GSG 18).
1918a. ‘On Love (a Fragment)’ (trans. Guy Oakes, in Oakes 1984; ‘Eros, Platonic and Modern’, trans. Donald N. Levine, in Levine 1971; GSG 20).
1918b. ‘The Conflict in Modern Culture’ (trans. K. Peter Etzkorn, in Etzkorn 1968; Levine 1971; trans. Horst J. Helle, in Helle 1997; GSG 16).
1918c. ‘Germanic and Classical Style’ (trans. Austin Harrington, TCS 24(7–۸) ۲۰۰۷; GSG 13).
1918d. ‘On the Nature of Historical Understanding’ (trans. Guy Oakes, in Oakes 1980; GSG 16).
1918e. The View of Life: Four Metaphysical Chapters with Journal Aphorisms (trans. A.Y. Andrews and Donald N. Levine. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010; GSG 16):.
Chapter 1: Life as Transcendence (‘The Transcendent Character of Life’,trans. Donald N. Levine, in Levine 1971).
Chapter 2: The Turn Toward Ideas (‘The Fragmentary Character of Life’۱۹۱۶, trans. Austin Harrington, TCS 19(3–۴) ۲۰۱۲; GSG 13).
Chapter 3: Death and Immortality (‘The Metaphysics of Death’ ۱۹۱۰, and‘The Problem of Fate’ ۱۹۱۳, trans. Ulrich Teucher and Thomas M.Kemple, TCS 24(7–۸) ۲۰۰۷; GSG 12).
Chapter 4: The Law of the Individual.